Sunday, February 24, 2019

Five minute theology: The Trinity, part one

A Crash Course on Beliefs: The Trinity

We'll talk more about this later, and in more detail, but here's a summary about some basic doctrines of the Christian faith.  References and such will be added more in depth in later articles, but feel more than welcome to ask any questions now!


The Christian God is a triune one: three distinct personalities, but so entirely in harmony and so entirely the same that He is one.  A very faulty and inferior analogy is that of ice, water, and snow--which are all the same element in different forms and functions.  These personalities are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  

God, unlike us, is not subject to time, space, distance, or any other limitation that we feel; this is where all the "omni" (Latin for "all") words come in: omniscient, omnipresent, and so on.  There is nowhere you can go that God cannot reach.  There is nothing you can think that God will not be aware of.  There is nothing you can see that God will not also see. 

Because God came first and will come last, and the world was made by Him, He has authority over it all.  Does He always use this authority?  Not all the time with man—often He gives us enough rope to hang ourselves or to make our own right choices; other times we do indeed see Him every day, but He has given us the choice to follow or to ignore (contrast the life of Abraham, who followed God, to the life of Pharoah, who defied God).  

Creation itself speaks to witness of an intelligent Creator; we can see His amazing intelligence in how everything in the environment works together, and many elements cannot hope to survive without each other.  We can see His provision in the earth and the sun, how the sun is exactly far enough away to continue to warm the earth, but not close enough to melt it.  

The most amazing thing to me, though, is that God created a fallible, mortal human and did so knowing that the relationship would cost Him the death of the perfect Son Jesus in order to redeem us from our own sin and to give us eternal life in His own Heaven.  He didn’t even have to create us...but He did.  Knowing all that!

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